  • 03-9505250
  • 海外訂房專線:+886921956458
  • LINE ID:goldenhouse
六人樓中樓套房 Upstairs&Downstairs (Room for 6)


六人房內含三張雙人床獨立筒雙床墊、29吋數位電視,乾濕分離衛浴設備, 小茶几、兩台冷氣、冰箱、梳妝台、吹風機、寬頻上網。歐式木造傢俱,柚木實木地板。


3 pocket-spring mattress double bed, separate washroom and bathroom. Facilities in the room: 1 small side table, 2 aor cpmdotopmers. 2 vanity, 2 hair dryers and internet access, Floored with teak wood, European wood furniture equipped.

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