  • 03-9505250
  • 海外訂房專線:+886921956458
  • LINE ID:goldenhouse
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早餐 beffut


中式早餐粥品採用宜蘭五結鄉所自產五農米,在好山好水環境孕育下香氣濃郁,口感Q滑。並附有多道傳統宜蘭小菜,將宜蘭道地美味,濃縮於豐盛菜色中。 其中部分蔬菜為黃金屋自行有機栽植,新鮮現採,營養滿分!另附有西式早點,新鮮研磨咖啡,奶茶,吐司麵包,多種口味抹醬,滿足不同胃口。茹素者,亦提供有豐富多道素食菜色可供選擇。看看讓人垂涎佳餚,準備好讓自己肚皮滿載而歸,從黃金屋啟程,迎接一趟美好的蘭陽之旅了嗎?


●Buffet breakfast included:

Chinese style bteakfast including congee made by local fraagrant LanyangWunong rice grown on Wujie Township, served with traditional Yilan side dishes,Some vegetables are organically grown by Golden House, greenand fresh!Western style breakfast including ground coffee, milk tea, toat and bread, various jamand spread provided We also have plenty of choices for vegetarians. Along with these delicious dishes, are you ready for a wonderful Lanyang trip?

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